Dec 29, 2008

Win Wishes for 2009

Of course wishing makes no difference to the gods of random chance, but here are the top 5 wins I'd love to get in 2009:

5. Anything from the iPod family. Not that I actually need one, but in the 4 years I've been entering contests, I have never won an iPod - not even a shuffle. And, yes, to the non-sweepers reading this, that is unusual. Many folks I know have won 2 or more. I may as well wish big so I'll go with -- a 32GB iPod Touch.

4. A small camera because, well, they are just so cute nowadays and I think it would be fun to have one.

3. A 32" LCD TV. We are planning to buy ourselves one this year to replace the 15-year-old 20" CRT in our exercise room, but it's always nicer to win than buy!

2. A laptop - because ours is showing its age, but not enough to justify replacing it (from the people who took 9 years to replace their desktop).

1. And the number one win I'd love to win in 2009 - CASH. My biggest cash win so far (not including gift cards) was $100. I'd like to beat that number - and, obviously, bigger is actually better in this case!

Feel free to post your win wishes in the comments.


Anonymous said...

I finally had some time to come check you out over here. You've done great with all of your winnings!! Keeping my fingers crossed for all 5 of your 2009 wishes to come true. :)